Find the Perfect Massager for You
For best results we recommend someone else give you a massage using one of our massagers. When giving yourself a massage, follow our guides as best as possible. Certain body areas may be hard to reach. Do not move out of your normal range of motion as it could cause injury. Switch hands or take a short break after extended use. If you experience any pain or numbness in your hand, stop using the massager.
What is your problem area?
Start with a circular motion on the lower back, being careful to avoid the spine. Using long strokes, work your way up the back towards the heart.
When massaging the upper back, start from the spine and using short strokes to work your way outward towards the underarm. (Again, be careful not to come in contact with the spinal area.)
The same procedure is used to massage the chest. Start from the sternum and use short strokes to work your way outward toward the underarm.
DO NOT use the massager over the abdomen or below the rib cage.
What to Use

Deep-Tissue Lithium Ion Cordless Percussion Therapeutic Massager