Looking for pain relief in your life? Read what the experts are saying.
Whether you're suffering from chronic pain, everyday aches and pains, or if you're just looking for fitness recovery tips, we've gathered knowledge from a variety of experts on how to live a healthier, more pain-free life.
5 Must-Ask Questions About Your Pain

For millions of Americans, pain is a daily struggle. It's so pervasive, far too many people are just dealing with it, instead of addressing it. In recognition of National Pain Awareness Month this September, Dr. Anita Gupta has compiled some questions to put people on the path toward a more pain-free life.
Read MoreHigh Blood Pressure Is on the Rise, Learn Tips to Help Manage It
In the past year, the incidence of high blood pressure has risen. Now more than ever it’s crucial we find ways to manage our blood pressure. Luckily, with some relatively easy lifestyle changes, controlling blood pressure is in our control.
Read More7 Things I Wish I Could Tell Myself at the Start of My Fitness Journey

Fitness is a journey. There’s no destination, it’s an ever-evolving process. Your body changes all the time and you’re never going to get to a point where you can just be like, okay, I’m done. When I started my fitness journey, I definitely thought that would be the case. Learn the things I wish I could time-travel back and tell myself.
Read MoreFive Things Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Goals

You might be unintentionally sabotaging your fitness goals if you’re exercising but not losing weight. Learn five insightful tips as to what might be holding you back from that hot bod you’ve been working so hard to hone to perfection.
Read More6 Tips for Managing Pain in the Age of COVID-19

September is National Pain Awareness Month and it’s the perfect time to pause and take a look at how daily life during a pandemic can impact our health, especially for those living with chronic pain. While it’s important to check with your doctor for guidance on treating your specific condition, these expert tips can help reduce your pain during the age of COVID-19.
Read MoreWorkout Mistakes That Can Leave You in Pain

Being active is essential in leading a healthy lifestyle, remember movement is medicine, but we need to make sure we’re also caring for our bodies after exercise. Avoid these common mistakes to keep your workout routine productive and pain-free.
Read More5 Ways to Reduce Muscle Soreness Fast

Is your workout leaving you with muscle soreness? From easy self-massage to stretching, a fitness expert shares her top tips to reduce soreness after a new or challenging workout routine.
Read More5 Tips to Treat the Painful Realities of Working from Home
The idea of working from home may sound appealing, but many people are discovering the reality is very different. In addition to challenges like navigating an uprooted schedule, wrangling children and sharing your Wi-Fi bandwidth with a household, pesky pains have likely crept up. In fact, 50 million people live with chronic pain, many of whom are experiencing exacerbated symptoms due to recent lifestyle changes like working from home. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has increased barriers in obtaining treatment; so while a comprehensive treatment plan from your doctor is recommended, the following tips can help manage your pain while you’re at home.
Read More3 Pain-Relief Treatments with Bonus Benefits

When it comes to pain-management options, not surprisingly, safe and effective pain relief should be priority number one. What may be surprising, however, is that some treatments have advantages that go beyond pain relief. In fact, there are a number of affordable and convenient pain treatments that work to alleviate symptoms – and come with bonus benefits. The following pain-relief treatments are sustainable, have additional advantages and most importantly they’re often times effective for many types of painful conditions when combined with a comprehensive treatment plan.
Read More6 Healthy Habits You'll Actually Enjoy

Every year when the calendar flips to January, people start thinking about developing healthier habits. And to be honest, most of them are pretty miserable or extreme - like giving up sugar or running every day if you’re not a runner. But developing healthy habits doesn't have to suck the joy out of your life. We're here to show you that developing healthy habits can actually be enjoyable and sustainable.
Read MoreWhy Men & Women Feel Pain Differently

Billie Jean King might have won the battle of the sexes when she beat Bobby Riggs in a winner-take-all tennis match back in 1973, but chances are if she had sustained an injury in the match, things would have taken a different turn.
Read More4 Tips for Pain Relief Quick

When you’re in pain, you have one thing on your mind – please make it stop. Luckily there are many pain management options out there, some work faster than others, and some even have an immediate effect. And while opioids can serve an important function, my advice for patients is to try a non-medication approach first. The following pain-relief tips are sustainable and most importantly they’re often times effective for many types of pain conditions when combined with a comprehensive treatment plan.
Read More7 Proven Ways to Relieve Sore Muscles & Speed Up Recovery

Working out and muscle soreness seem to go hand in hand. Thankfully, there are all sorts of ways to relieve sore muscles and speed up the recovery process. But first, let’s look at the reason behind muscle soreness.
Read More5 Tips to Take Control of Your Pain

Taking control of painful symptoms is challenging under even the best of circumstances. Yet, taking affirmative steps in this regard can be empowering. These five tips can help you manage your pain both on your own and in connection with others.
Read MoreFive Out-of-the-Box Ideas for Pain Relief

Pain, in addition to causing physical distress, can cause significant emotional distress, making you mighty cranky, depressed, stressed and anxious.
Read MoreScary Side Effects of Sitting

It’s been called both dangerous and harmful, and we’re told we are, as a society, doing way too much of it. And that it can hurt our health in a big way.
Read MoreAn Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

Pain has an annoying way on creeping up on you…and if you’re not careful, in time it can take over your life. Like a houseguest who loves your hospitality a bit too much, once you’ve got it, it can be a challenge to get it to pack up and leave.
Read MoreDon’t Go to Great Pains: 4 Easy Options for Relief

In addition, physicians and patients alike often overlook the non-pharmacologic alternatives to pain medication. So in honor of September being National Pain Awareness Month, here are some natural pain relief options that are both inexpensive and extremely effective.
Read More5 Caffeine-Free Ways to Improve Energy

Have you convinced yourself that coffee is the only thing that can wake you up in the morning? You’re not alone.
Read More3 Massage Techniques for Those in Chronic Pain

Living with mild to moderate chronic pain can feel isolating and hopeless. Though you may feel alone, you’re not. Around 25 million American adults suffer from chronic pain each day. At-home massages like Wahl’s Deep-Tissue Percussion Therapeutic Massager can help improve or alleviate these painful symptoms. Here are three different types of massages to try at home when suffering from mild to moderate chronic pain.
Read MoreTips for When Technology Becomes a Literal “Pain in the Neck”

Whether you’re reading an email from the boss or loading up your virtual shopping cart, we are all glued to our phones and devices now more than ever before.
Read More6 Things That Happen When You Don’t Take a Rest Day

If you're someone who has a hard time taking a rest day, you may think differently after reading this.
Read MoreMoms and Massage, a Perfect Marriage

Mother's Day is approaching, and if your celebration includes gifts, it's not too early to start dropping some hints.
Read MoreTips Toward a Better Massage

It’s great to be able to give yourself a massage at home, and equally nice to go out for one. Either way, it’s a treat. And because a massage can be such an integral tool to better health, you’ll want to get the most of it.
Read MoreFive Quick and Easy Tips to Keep Your Sanity When You’re in Pain

The pain began as a dull off-and-on ache between my shoulder blades. But then, seemingly overnight, it progressed into a persistent, sharp and stinging sensation that moved beyond my neck and down into my arm.
Read MoreTop 4 Places Stress Hides in Your Body

Understanding where stress harbors in the body is the first step to controlling it with lifestyle changes like an improved diet or using a handheld massager. Here are the 4 places your body is most affected by stress when each day is a theoretical battle.
Read MorePut Insomnia to Rest with a Massage

Sleep is the body’s way of rejuvenating at the end of each day. Unfortunately for 1 in 3 people, insomnia has different ideas. Sleeping pills may help temporarily but will reduce in effectiveness after a few short weeks. For those suffering from insomnia, using a massager can help your mind and body be at ease before you catch some Z’s. Here’s how a massage can help.
Read MoreWhen Food Fights Back: 4 Secrets to Avoiding Acid Reflux Naturally

There are a variety of medications available to help prevent the symptoms of acid reflux, both over-the-counter and prescription, but resorting to medication doesn’t have to be your only option. Here are some simple lifestyle adjustments that can often prevent or reduce symptoms:
Read MoreDon't Let These Obstacles Get in the Way of Your Workout

Whether we feel tired, sick, sore, or too busy to fit in a workout, life can and often does get in the way of our fitness goals. But there’s a saying I go back to, by Jim Rohn, when this happens to me: “either you run the day, or the day runs you.” And it’s true! YOU have the power to overcome obstacles standing between you and accomplishing your workout. Let’s overcome these workout obstacles together so we can move on with our day feeling great!
Read MoreMake It a Habit: 5 Tips For a Pain-Free You

For people with chronic pain, life can be hard. The unrelenting pain may make you feel uncomfortable and cranky and even hopeless at times. But it’s more within your control than you think; switching bad habits for good ones can help ease the pain and improve – and potentially prolong – your life.
Read MoreBest Massages for Stress Relief

One of the best ways to deal with stress is massage. Whether it’s with a handheld massager, on a professional masseur’s table or with a massage partner, it’s a wonderful way to soothe your body and melt your stress away.
Read MoreBest Foods to Eat & to Avoid for Stress Relief

When it comes to stress, what you do and do not eat can play a major role in how long it stays and how much it affects you.
Read MoreReducing Stress Through Music

If you’re finding yourself stressed, it might be time to try some new relaxation techniques.
Read MoreTips for Relieving Stress at Work

The vast majority of us have to deal with stress at work. The level differs from job to job but how we deal with stress often determines how successful we are.
Read MoreThings to Do to Relieve Stress

Work deadlines. School demands. Family squabbles. Maddening commutes. Financial strains. High-maintenance friends. Unrealistic expectations.
Read More4 Simple Ways to Feel Healthier When the Cold Weather Sets In

We’re coming up on Fall, a time of year where kids go back to school, the office gets a little more serious, and it is a great time to mentally and physically “Reset”.
Read MoreHow to Use Heat vs Cold Therapy to Treat Injuries

When we work out, we have the best of intentions: to get stronger, lose weight, or simply improve our attitude for the day.
Read More7 Tips for Taking Your Fitness Routine On The Road

Keeping up with a fitness routine is hard enough at home, when you have access to all your equipment, workout clothes, and regular routine.
Read More4 Ways to Take Control of Your Anxiety This Holiday Season

If you’re starting to notice trouble with sleep, mood, and relaxation, you’re not alone. Studies show that anxiety significantly increases during the holiday season.
Read More7 Workout Mistakes that Can Leave You in Pain

Lend your health a hand by reading this quick refresher on seven common workout mistakes to avoid.
Read MoreThe Beginner's Workout Checklist: What You Need to Succeed

Whether you’ve been out of the game for a few years or new to the game altogether, starting an exercise regimen can be intimidating. Here is a compiled Beginner’s Workout Checklist to get you started and sweating today!
Read MoreThe Truth Hurts: State of American's Hurt
Chances are you’re among this vast majority struggling with muscle and joint pain, and this means you’re also among the many searching for pain relief. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help manage pain, but the first step is understanding the issue.
Read MoreNatural Remedies for Pain Management
Chronic pain is a tenacious problem that will not go away anytime soon, and has implications beyond the source of the pain. Here are some natural remedies to manage the pain.
Read MoreHealthy Resolutions: How to Go From Sore to More

While time and commitment are often to blame, many fitness experts suggest sore and fatigued muscles have a lot to do with why we lose steam with the new routine. "No pain, no gain" is a fitness fallacy that you shouldn't fall into. Here's how to prevent overly sore muscles and how to recover with massage to get back in the gym.
Read MoreNatural Pain Remedies So You Can Ditch the Meds and Go Pill-Free

If you find yourself popping pain pills to help get you through your back, neck or shoulder pain, maybe it's time to ditch the meds and go pill-free.
Read MoreGive a Gift that Keeps on Giving
Here are some gift ideas that last longer than typical one-and-done presents. Whether it's for a birthday, holiday, or random celebration, consider these gift options people will appreciate and use, and use, and use again.
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