A man wearing a black shirt with a ducktail beard. A man wearing a black shirt with a ducktail beard.

How to Trim a Ducktail Beard

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What is a Ducktail Beard?

Dignified and sophisticated, the Ducktail Beard is a full beard that tapers into a triangle at the bottom. While it gets its name from its duck tail shape, the Ducktail beard is worn proudly by intellectuals and celebrities across the world. And how pointy you decide to trim it, is up to you.

How to Trim a Ducktail Beard: Step by Step

The key to a premium Ducktail Beard is to ensure that it is grown and groomed to a neat point at the bottom. (Whether it is softly curved or sharply pointed is up to what best suits your face shape.) The jawline is neatly trimmed while the neckline is groomed a little higher to really focus attention on the magnificence of the beard.

1. Let it Grow

Beard check! You’ll need at least two inches of length at the bottom of your beard to achieve this look. Start by combing your beard down to straighten it out and remove tangles.

2. Connect the Sides

Connect the hair on the sides of your head to your sideburns. If it’s cut close on the sides, use your Wahl trimmer with a #½ or #1 guide comb and trim from the top of the ear down to the start of your earlobe.

3. Jawline: Get Rocking

Switch to a #2½ or #3 guide comb on your Wahl trimmer and trim your cheeks to the start of your mustache, working your way down to your jawline. Use an inverted upward rocking motion as you get closer to the jawline. Do not trim around the chin or below it.

4. Ear to Chin Next

Attach a #3½ or #4 guide comb on your trimmer to trim along your jawline, starting at the bottom of your ear lobe to just before your chin on both sides. Do not trim the bottom of your beard yet.

5. Trim Mustache

Attach a #4 guide comb on your trimmer to trim your mustache, around the mustache and just below it. Move the trimmer in the direction of hair growth.

6. Layer Down

Stay with the #4 guide comb on your trimmer to layer your beard below your mouth. Move down toward the chin and to the jawline on the sides, using an inverted upward rocking motion. Do not trim below the chin.

7. Get to the Point

Remove the guide comb on your trimmer and use the trimmer-over-finger technique to trim the bottom of your beard below the chin to the desired length. Make sure to connect the hair on the side of your beard to the bottom to give it a nice round appearance.

8. Clean Up

Finish by removing the guide comb from your Wahl trimmer to define the edges along the cheeks, below the jawline and the neck. Also trim any loose hairs around your beard. Gently go over those hairs and only those hairs.

9. Finish by Styling

Complete the look by adding some beard balm to your beard and style to your liking.

Questions You Are Asking:

What is a Ducktail beard?

The Ducktail is a full beard that is grown and groomed into a tapered triangle at the bottom. Whether it is softly curved or sharply pointed is up to what best suits your face shape. The jawline is neatly trimmed while the neckline is groomed a little higher to really focus attention on the magnificence of the beard.

How Long Does It Take to Grow a Ducktail Beard?

Depending on how fast your facial hair grows, we recommend four to six weeks. A beard grows around 1/2 inch each month. Depending on the length of the Ducktail you want, ideally, you’ll start with two inches in length.

For the first month as you grow out your beard, focus on keeping the cheeks and mustache neatly trimmed, and leave the beard to grow a good couple of inches before you create the ducktail style (you need the fullness to create the tapered or pointed look). Some Ducktail beards are legendary in length, but many guys keep it a lot shorter. The key: opt for the length that best suits your face.

What face shape suits a Ducktail Beard?

Great news – most face shapes lend themselves to this beard. If your face is rounder, it can add length. If your face is long and narrow, you may want more of a curved bottom edge. Also, if you struggle with patchy growth around your high cheek or bottom lip, this style can be a good fit.

What is a Viking Ducktail Beard?

In a word: cool. Vikings were known for being fearless conquerors. Their beards were thick, full, and grown proudly as a symbol of their masculinity. Today you can conquer this style by growing your Ducktail longer and fuller than a regular Ducktail.

Whether you choose to braid it (one or two braids in front – or at the side) is your call, just ensure to groom it regularly and add a dab of beard balm to keep it looking and smelling good.

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