How to Do a Western Soul Mustache
What is a Western Soul Mustache?
Forget the big hat and boots. Let your facial hair do the talking for you. It’s basically a Western Mustache with a soul patch below the lip.
How to Do the Western Soul Mustache Step-by-Step
Step 1
With your Wahl shaver, closely shave everything but the mustache and Soul Patch area.
Step 2
Let the mustache area grow for at least 2 weeks, or until you have a good amount of hair growth. The look requires bushier whiskers.
Step 3
As the mustache grows, you also want to use your Wahl trimmer to shape small, 1/2-inch strips of hair that run vertically along the sides of the mouth.
Step 4
Make sure to create a line of separation between the upper lip and the mustache itself.
Step 5
Allow hair to grow full all the way up to the start of the nostrils.
Step 6
Finally, you’ll want shape the Soul Patch. Use your trimmer to trim a triangular shape of hair that points like an arrow toward your chin.