How to Brush Your Dog's Teeth
While humans have no excuses, our pets require assistance to maintain proper oral hygiene. Regular teeth cleaning will help keep your pet healthy, plus save you trips to the vet and the aggravation of smelly breath. Ideally, dogs should have their teeth brushed every day but even if you can only find time for a weekly brushing, it will still be extremely beneficial. Although dogs rarely get cavities, they are always vulnerable to develop gum disease caused by tartar buildup, which can lead to periodontal disease and potential bacterial infections. At the very least, regular brushing will allow you to avoid having to have tartar buildup removed by a veterinarian, which usually needs to be done under sedation. Avoid the expense and anguish by brushing your dog’s teeth. Wahl pet grooming products will help you do the job.
What you need:
- Dog toothpaste
- Dog toothbrush
How to Care for Your Dog's Teeth Step-by-Step
Start off by getting your dog accustomed to the idea of having their teeth brushed. You can do this can by gently massaging the gums with your fingers.
Next, put a small amount of pet toothpaste on the dog’s lips to get them used to the taste.
When your dog is comfortable with the touching of gums and taste of the toothpaste, you’re ready to brush. Apply toothpaste directly to the dog’s teeth and gently brush with toothbrush or gauze wrapped around your finger.
What to use
Need help deciding what you need?
Wahl has a full line of pet-grooming products that will let you handle brushing to bathing in the comfort of your own home.
Product SelectorMore Dog Grooming Tips
Wash Your Dog's Coat Regularly
Fill tub with 3 - 4 inches of lukewarm water (not hot water).
Only Use Pet-Friendly Shampoo to Bathe Your Dog
Apply dog shampoo (Wahl has several options; never use human shampoo) over entire body and lather in from shoulders to tail, finishing with the head