Wahl handheld deep tissue massager and attachments.

How to Massage to Manage Mid to Lower Back & Chest Pain

Back pain can be debilitating but massage can help reduce the discomfort and improve flexibility.

Massaging Your Mid to Lower Back & Chest Step-by-Step

  • 1

    With your handheld massager , start with a circular motion on the lower back, being careful to avoid the spine. Using long strokes, work your way up the back towards the heart.

  • 2

    When massaging the upper back, start from the spine and using short strokes to work your way outward towards the underarm. (Again, be careful not to come in contact with the spinal area.)

    You could also use a specifcally designed back and neck massager or lumbar chair massager to avoid your spinal area.

  • 3

    The same circular technique procedure is used to massage the chest. Start from the sternum and use short strokes to work your way outward toward the underarm.

  • 4

    DO NOT use the massager over your abdomen or below the rib cage.

What to use

Need help deciding what you need?

Where you hurt and why you’re hurting are two key factors in deciding which massager is best for your specific pain relief.

Product Selector

Tips for Using Handheld Massagers

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