Jump out of an airplane that’s 13,000 feet in the air? Hike a mountain in the pitch black with the cliffs’ edge only one wrong step away? Some of us are built for a life on the edge, always seeking the next adventure. Others are more comfortable admiring (or maybe cringing at) these stories through pictures and videos from the safety of home. Whether you jump out of the plane or out of your skin, make sure you have the essentials you need to do it (we’re talking tools, skills and product here guys). Regardless of where your next adventure takes you, we want to make sure you’re fully prepared from head to toe with the tips and grooming products you need. We sat down with full-time adventurer Slater Trout to pick his brain and provide you with the dos and don’ts of living a life of adventure.
Question: Before we get into your tips and tricks of traveling, what inspired you to become a full-time adventurer?
Slater: Growing up, I was always going on family vacations all around the world. But also, I got to go to all these amazing places for my job, when I was competing professionally in stand-up paddleboard races. While I was on a trip for work I would take advantage of the opportunity to photograph and explore the area. So when people used to ask me how I could do this, I would always tell them that I actually had a full-time job that allowed me to travel all around the world. But now I’ve transitioned to the travel adventure lifestyle and content creation in the last 3 or 4 years. Life on the road, on the water and up in the air has really taught me a few things about traveling right.
Do: Travel only with a carry-on.
One of Slater’s #1 pieces of advice is to travel with less. As a firm believer of being 100% carry-on for all of his trips (aside from big toys like surfboards), you can bet he has perfected his packing routine. Packing can be a headache for anyone, but if you follow Slater’s method you can be sure you won’t leave anything behind. When packing, Slater starts on one end of the room and scans every closet, drawer and shelf asking himself if he needs something, which helps him be sure that nothing gets left behind. However, Slater is a minimalist when it comes to trips and tries to bring as little as possible. He has learned to roll all of his clothes (or to leave most of them behind) in order to save room. He also makes sure to not skimp on his Dopp kit which is packed with pomade, beard wash, beard oil and more. As a huge advocate for only bringing a carry-on, Slater assured us that if you forgot something, you can always pick it up at your destination.
Don’t: Think it’s all rainbows, butterflies and the perfect Instagram photo.
Scrolling through your social feeds it’s easy to see many people out adventuring in picturesque locations. This is often what inspires us to jump on the next plane to a secluded location abroad, but if that’s all you’re imagining, you may not be prepared for what you encounter. Slater reflected “that’s the 1%, when you’re looking at Instagram. You’re only seeing the best of the best of that adventure. In reality, a lot of the trip you don’t actually see. That’s the sleepless nights, living off trail mix dinners, going days without showers, shivering cold and close to hypothermic, or missing flights and having a 15-hour layover. So, it’s not all glamour, but to be able to go on that once-in-a-lifetime trip, I mean the reward is definitely worth it in the end and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Be prepared for the beauty and adventure but be prepared for a little bit of chaos and crowds too.
Do: Immerse yourself completely.
Whether you’re taking a trip to Thailand or Wisconsin, you will always encounter a situation you have not been in before. Slater’s best advice is to fully immerse yourself, regardless of the destination. “There’s so much you can learn when on the road, traveling the world. I’ve experienced a variety of cultures, learning about different religions and languages, trying different foods, talking with different people. I am able to walk around the streets of these different places so I’ve been able to learn so much about life from these experiences. I’m a firm believer that travel is one of the #1 educators.” While he’s passionate about capturing beautiful moments during his adventures, he often has to remember to unplug and immerse himself completely in each experience. “You’re in the moment and you’re seeing things, but you’re also focusing on creating content and thinking about getting a great photo for Instagram.” Often we get caught up in the glamour of the trip and constantly updating all of our family, friends and followers about our trip that we miss out on the trip that we’re actually on. Our advice: yes, capture the moments but don’t forget to step out from behind the camera and be present.
Don’t: Let people keep you from following your dreams.
Although this wasn’t always Slater’s life plan, he can’t imagine his life any other way. And he has his parents to thank for that. Slater’s parents pushed him to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional athlete and traveling the world and they continue to support him today. Slater advises those waiting to chase their dream to no let others discourage them. There will always be people who are jealous and skeptical of your adventure, but don’t let that drag you down and pursue what makes you, you. There will also always be supporters, so cherish those as Slater does, “One of my mom’s friends told me that I’m her favorite Instagram feed and that every time I post, it is the best day ever and honestly, that’s pretty cool.” So if there’s something that you’ve always wanted to do but you’re afraid of what people will say, whether adventure or not, get after it.
Do: Bring your deodorant. Your adventure pals will thank you.
Just because you’re immersing yourself in the culture, wildlife and adventure, doesn’t mean you can forgo your daily hygiene habits. Slater notes two of his must-have items for every trip he goes on are his deodorant and trimmer. As a whiskered man, Slater can’t go too long without a trim, regardless of his location. And he begs you not to forget the deodorant, because “you never know when your next shower will be and you don’t want to be on a trip with someone who smells,” so we encourage you to not be that guy. Not only is this a benefit for yourself, but your trip-mates will be grateful and even continue inviting you on their future adventures.
Slater Trout chooses Wahl for his adventures and you can too. Whether landing a 360 on a dirt bike or just spinning around in your office chair, trust Wahl, a name trusted for 100 years in clippers, trimmers, shavers and our new line of wet goods.

Slater Trout
Slater Trout has always been searching for his next adventure. At the age of 11, he began pursuing his dream of becoming a professional Stand Up Paddler. As he competed in competitions around the world he always took time to travel and that’s where his love of photography blossomed. Regardless of where life takes him, he is always ready to tackle a new adventure.