A woman sleeping peacefully.

Best Massage Types For Stress Relief

One of the best ways to deal with stress is massage. Whether it’s with a handheld massager, on a professional masseur’s table or with a massage partner, it’s a wonderful way to soothe your body and melt your stress away.

Massage improves circulation, delivers oxygen to cells and lowers cortisol levels, all of which help diminish stress. Wahl has a full line of handheld massagers for at-home relief. Choose from vibratory all-body massagers, percussion deep-tissue massagers, heat therapy massagers and hot/cold massagers. Wahl massagers put relief in your own hands.

Consider These Massage Therapy Styles

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    Swedish Massage:

    The goal of this style of massage is to relax the entire body. It’s accomplished with long, smooth, gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. The Swedish massage releases tension in muscles and breaks up muscle knots, enhancing circulation, stretching tendons and lowering blood pressure.

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    Ayurvedia Massage:

    Popular in India, it’s one of the best massages for stress relief. It uses herbs and natural oils, as well as muslin pouches of warm rice cooked with herbs that are placed on nerve ending locations.

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    Thai Massage:

    Based on the ancient Thai system of the body’s meridian, this style combines acupressure, Ayurvedic principles and assisted yoga positions.

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    Hot Stone Massage:

    Volcanic hot stones are heated and laid on several key locations on the body. It loosens up muscles and promotes relaxation, which eases stress.

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    Head Massage:

    This style focuses on the thin muscles on the scalp that hold a significant amount of tension. An especially relaxing form of head massage is Champi, which incorporates Indian oils like amla and brahmi into the massage.

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    Aromatherapy Massage:

    Aromatic oils and lotions (often geranium, lavender and chamomile) play a key function in the massage. The scents provide extra stimulation of the senses because the nostrils are attached to the limbic system, which is an area of the brain that controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones.

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    Acupressure Massage:

    Also called Auricular, this type of massage focuses on the ears and their pressure points, which correspond to the central nervous system. It encourages the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural stress relievers. Acupressure is also used for pain relief.

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    Lomi Massage:

    A style developed in Hawaii, Lomi massage is a style that is usually done with two masseurs. It’s a really hands-on technique!

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    Kalari Massage:

    This style is the opposite of hand-on because it’s done using the masseur’s feet and herbal oils. It’s good for improving flexibility and releasing endorphins.

What to use

Need help deciding what you need?

Where you hurt and why you’re hurting are two key factors in deciding which massager is best for your specific pain relief.

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