How to Use Massage to Relieve Leg & Foot Pain
Massaging your legs and feet can provide relief after workouts or at the end of a long day. Reduce pain, soreness or cramps in your legs and feet with self-massage techniques.
How to Massage Legs & Feet Step-by-Step
Using your hands or a handheld massager , begin at the area below the waist in back, just under the tailbone. Move outward from the hips, going from center to side in an across and down motion. Use a circular motion over the hip joints.
Massage the thighs up from the knees to the buttocks. Then massage the calves up from the ankles to the knees.
You can also use a handheld massager on your feet. When massaging the feet, massage only the arches and bottoms. Apply more or less pressure depending on how sore or tight your arches are. A good rule of thumb is to tread on the lighter pressure side to reduce injuring your feet.
What to use
Need help deciding what you need?
Where you hurt and why you’re hurting are two key factors in deciding which massager is best for your specific pain relief.
Product SelectorTips for Pain Management
Prioritize Recovery

Rest and/or active recovery: First of all, ease into workouts. If you haven’t been working out on a regular basis, going full throttle right away, particularly with consecutive-day workouts, is going to result and aching muscles.
Hydration is Key

Hydrate: Drinking water during and after exercise helps the body rid itself of toxins, while fighting off dehydration, which can result in painful muscles and excruciating muscle cramps.
Eating Properly

Proper nutrition: Protein sources are necessary to rebuild muscle tissue and fuel the function of various cells, tissues and enzymes. Carbohydrates are vital, as well.
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